Posts Tagged ‘Open Heavens’

A few Sundays ago the worship team at my home church sang a melody with part of ‘Commission My Soul’ and ‘Won’t You Come’.  Both emphasize an open heaven and the presence of God coming.  As I sang along and sought the Lord in my mind, I felt Him ask me, “Why do you want the heavens opened?”

I know that disobedience causes the heavens to be closed like brass (Deuteronomy 28:23), so the reverse is true in my mind that obedience opens the heavens.  An open heaven is a thought that ignites my imagination and deeply resonates in my spirit, but WHY do I want the heavens opened in my life – blessings to shower down, closeness with my Creator, or others to be impressed with my walk with God?  As I considered and pondered, the worship team played the beginning instrumental part of ‘How He Loves’ and I decided to sing my response to the Lord. . . .

Face to face

Heart to heart

Oh . . .

Face to face

Heart to heart

With Jesus

I want the heavens opened in my life because I want to be face to face like Moses (Exodus 33:11 & Numbers 12:5-8) and heart to heart like David (1 Samuel 13:14 & Acts 13:22) with the Lord.  From that place of closeness and intimacy with the Lord I want my entire life to flow.